Friday, February 25, 2011

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."  — aristotle-

She is a woman with 2 children. And she is greatfull for having them, she try to do her best but still feel she has done something not right, she is concerned to leave herchild soon and dont leave much good live value to them, to make them independent, to make them survive, to make them being a nice person.
that is not totally right in rais
She is independent woman which tends to be a loner.From the beginning, even when she is a child she always have a dream by herself, she never include anyone into her dream. She dont know why, its as if its just happened that way. She likes for being alone. Although she know that family make her complete and bright her soul, but difficult to deny she need herself away from them ....sometimes!
She talks to her selves as if she was two seperate persons, she argue, she jokes, she have discussed philosophy things with herselves in hermind. Sometime she murmured uncontrolable to answer her questions and laught to her joles, it makes other people confused....she just...actually twins in onebody- she never feel lonely or alone because she has her twins inside her, but believe me she dont have double personification .
She like to move, she enjoy new things. She is easyly get stunt in an imagination- anyone succesfully lead her mind to her imagination will be ealily treated as a genius to her and entitled great praise ; she sometimesbelieves that she isbthe reincarnation of the great artist that is punished, because she has a very wild. Enthusiasm on art, philosophy inside her, not commonly agree on common things, understand signals better tha. Word, but....she dont have any skill todo most of her enthusiasm...thats why she thinks that she was punished..
She read her books, drown i to them, and carried away.....again...
She is a lefthanded - who is fight in herchilhood to stand and say i'm a left what!!! When her theacher and her friend say no to lefthanded kids.
She is stubborn....yes...i,m sorry but she is stubborn; she is not easily trust people, she likes verifying things, she hates being dogmated , she doesnt like the word sin because she thing "pahala" is greater and bring greater impact;
To much idea, to much things to do, to much , but too lazy...., it makes he confused.

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